Several days ago Maarten Lambrechts — creator of the great — wrote on twitter asking if it would create an article with similar navigation using Idyll.
It is!
Click to find out more...
To simplify things, I created a Scroll
component that will scroll to a particular
section based on its input value. The Idyll markup looks something like this:
[var name:"currentSection" value:"1" /]
[Scroll section:currentSection]
[Section name:"1"] This is section 1... [/Section]
[Section name:"2"] This is section 2... [/Section]
[Section name:"2"] This is section 3... [/Section]
To trigger a scroll to the next section, simply update that currentSection
[button onClick:`currentSection++` ]
Click me to go to the next section!
This scrolling code can be used in conjunction with the variables powering the rest of document. For example:
Add Point:
Remove Point:
Toggle Color:
Click to continue...Thanks for reading. The code for this can be found at: See the README file in that repo for instructions on cloning and deploying yourself.
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